Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Government Shutdown

I am deeply dissapointed that the federal government did not "shut down". It would have been great to show people how little the government actually does for the average American. Even though it was a simple scare tactic it would have been wonderful had they went through with it. You would be amazed to know that life goes on without the federal government. Life would probably be better as a matter of fact. Every day the federal government was shutdown would save this country over $10,000,000,000 (thats 10billion). The only thing I didn't like about it was that they were apparently going to pay our military only half their pay.

The government of this country spends about $1,000,000,000,000 MORE than it takes in every year. To put it simply this is largely the result of big government and out of control government agencies. Eliminate the alphabet soup of government agencies and you eliminate an enormous amount of wasted money. This would directly go against the democratic agenda however. They want an enormous government and they want you and everyone else in their pocket. They want as many people as possible to lose their job so they will be dependant on the government.

The democrats will lie and cheat and steal and do whatever it takes to completely trash this country so they can rebuild it in the image they want. A land were devoid of civil independence and full of civil dependence. It is clear in obamacare that this is what they want. Obamacare will force you to participate just because you are breathing, and if you dont? A $2500 fine is in store just for you. You will be punished because you don't want to support the people who lay on their backs, crank out babies, and live off of the paycheck of everyone else who actually contributes to society.

If you think this is the way it should be then how about instead of trying to destroy this country you just move to France. I hear the people there are very pleased with their government... Judging by all the riots they have over there and in Europe (the nanystate neighborhood) in general. If you don't want to see America go down the path of people depending on their government and having no power to control the massive money hemorrhaging beast that is a leftist government then get out and vote in 2012. The elections in 2012 will quite possibly be the most important elections any of us will see in our entire lifetimes. The destiny of this country will depend on the results of those elections.

If you want a country full of civil depencence than maybe you should go to another country. America has already put this horse down once when our founding fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence.


  1. From your picture you look to be too young to remember when the government was shut down and the only people who were hurt or inconvenienced were us small fry.
    The Democrats have no monopoly on lying, it seems to me to be a disease resulting from being elected.
    Please explain how unfunded tax cuts for the wealthy who actually pay a smaller percentage of their income than the middle class, and unfunded trillion dollar wars are better than funding medicare for people who's lifetime earnings cannot pay for a moderately long stay in the hospital. You are also probably young enough not to have had to use your medical insurance one time and then find out that you cannot keep it or get new insurance because you are a bad risk. P.S. MS Word has a spell checker.

  2. p.p.s.
    Have you considered anger management therapy? your interests have a disturbing focus on violence and ideology with a lack of empathy. Ask your teachers.
